Mahele Documents

4/8/2010 4:53:12 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06561
Claimant: Pilaliohe
Other claimant:John Young, opposes
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honomuni
Ili: Kulaalamihi
Statistics: 5063 characters 694 words
No. 6561, Pilaliohe
N.R. 202v7

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state my claim for land, O Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles

I have an `ili in the Ahupua`a of Honomuni on Molokai, with some taro `ili and the kula. The circumference of the s is 308 fathoms. The kula lies with it, as far as the mountain. It is bounded by Hoiwahi's land on the east, and Ehu's land on the north. I have held my `ili for 12 years. /The former konohiki/ Makaheikuli is dead, at this time /the konohiki is/ Namilo.

F.T. 29v6
6561, Pilaliohe

Hiuli, testified to this claim in ili Kulaalamihi of 3 parts.

Part 1st kalo
Mauka, konohiki
Manae, Palu
Makai, konohiki
Malalo, paond.

Part 2nd, kula.
Mauka, Palu
Manae, pali
Makai, Palu
Malalo, pali.

Part 3d, kula.
Mauka, Palu
Manae, watercourse
Manae, waercourse
Malalo, pali.

This is inherited land. & konohiki confirms him there.


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.... 135v10
No. 6561, Pilaliohe, (from page 132) Honolulu, 5 March 1852
vs. John Young, Konohiki

Pilaliohe, sworn, the 3 patches which my assistant had with held were not mine, he had made an error. They served as the outline of the konohiki's fish pond and I had converted the pond into patches without the konohiki's approval. Today, I am returning these 3 patches to the konohiki, the Mahele patches are for the konohiki.

Boundaries of Pilaliohe's taro patches.
Mauka by Government land
Moanui by Koele, 6 Mahele taro patches
Makai as above - 3 taro patches, Konohiki fish pond
Kaluaaha by Government land.

It was agreed that the konohiki had been right, the surveyor was wrong in his survey of the konohiki's place and he shall be requested to do this work again on Pilaliohe. When the boundaries are the same as mentioned above, the land officers will then grant an approval.

[Award 6561; R.P. 3320; Honomuni Kona; 2 ap.; 6.218 Acs]