Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06563
Claimant: Puana
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona, East
Ahupuaa: Halawa
Ili: Keauhou
Statistics: 2781 characters 460 words
No. 6563, Puana
N.R. 203v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim in the `ili of Keauhou in the Ahupua`a of Halawa. A mo`o for Opuloa is Mauka by a heiau /pre-Christian place of worship/ is above and a muliwai is below.

I have occupied and cultivated this claim from the time it was given to me by Kuahine, the konohiki of Kauahoa. Its length is 82 and its width is 10 /fathoms?/. I request that if this claim is found valid it be awarded to me.

F.T. 54v6
6563, Puana ....

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.... has had quiet and undisputed possession until this time. There is no konohiki lo'i within it, it is outside.

Kekahuna, sworn, The foregoing testimony is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it - no objections.

N.T. 181v6
No. 6563, Puana

A moo in Keahou ili in Halawa, taro.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by Opuloa
Makai by Naelemakule.

Puana lived there at the time of Kamehameha I, 1 poalima is there.

[Award 6563; R.P. 3159; Keauhou Halawa; 2 ap.; .0777 Ac.]