Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06564
Claimant: Papai
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Moanui
Ili: Ohia
Statistics: 3751 characters 585 words
No. 6564, Papai
N.R. 203v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Papai, on the Island of Molokai, have an `ili in the Ahupua`a of Moanui. On the mauka side is Kaalaa, on the makai side is Paepaeopae, on the other sides are a pali and a stream. The name of this `ili is Ohia. It is 77 fathoms long by 22 fathoms wide. This `ili has a kula, also.

The konohikis have been Palemo, who was set aside, and Kapule. Kaai is the konohiki at present. /The witnesses are:/ Kahawai, Kauhi, Kenui and Kaaukai.

F.T. 43v6
6564, Papai

Moanui, moo leles, former konohiki & Isaia, witnesses

Papai claims ili Ohia, kalo.

Mauka, konohiki
Manae, watercourse ....

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.... nd with no disputes. There are 5 Government lo'i in it.

Poouahi, sworn, All the foregoing is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it.

N.T. 165v6
No. 6564, Papai

Isaia, sworn, Ohia ili land in Moanui.

Section 1 - Taro.
Mauka by konohiki
Manae by stream
Makai by Kumimi
Malalo by pali.

Section 2 - Pasture.
Mauka by konohiki
Manae by Kumimi
Makai by Waimoe
Malalo by stream.

Section 3:
Mauka by Kauhi
Manae by stream
Makai by Nahoiha
Malalo by pali.

It is inherited land, no one has objected, 5 poalimas are there.

[Award 6564; R.P. 4405; Ohia Moanui Kona; 2 ap.; 2 Acs 14 rods]