Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06689
Claimant: Lokomaikai
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Pelekunu
Ili: Wawaekea
Statistics: 3140 characters 513 words
No. 6689, Lokomaikai, Pelekunu, Molokai, January 10, 1848
N.R. 218-219v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have two claims in an `ili in the Ahupua`a of Pelekunu. The first land area is named Wawakea, and it is 78 fathoms on the south, 66 fathoms on the north, 60 fathoms on the west, 60 fathoms on the east.

The second land area is named Helelani and is 60 fathoms on the south, 60 fathoms on the north, 17 fathoms on the east and 18 fathoms on the west.

I have possessed these `ilis during my time of being a konohiki in Pelekunu, however, Kapuai is the main konohiki over me, ....

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.... aim by Kapihe) To you two Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles, Kekaulahao and Bele, Aloha: I, Kapihe, konohiki in Pelekunu, consent to the claim at Wawaekea, and the lo'is of which Kaleo told you two, for D. Lokomaikai. They are to be his forever; no one is to dispute him hereafter.
Respectfully, KAPIHE
See page 254 [?]

N.T. 194v6 [also page 115]
No. 6689, Lokomaikai

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by Mahoe
Manae by konohiki
Malalo by pali.

Year 1847, 2 poalimas are there.

[Award 6689; R.P. 6023; Pelekunu Koolau; 1 ap.; 9.5 Acs]