Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00319
Claimant: Kalena
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Kelawea, Panaewa
Statistics: 2580 characters 432 words
No. 319, Kalena, Lahaina, December 26, 1846
N.R. 79-80v2

Greetings to the Honorable Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my houselot at Kelawea in Lahaina. When Kalanimoku was alive, my father-in-law, Kamakapelapela, got this place, and when he died he left it to my wahine as his heir. It was agreed that most of the place which was left was for the two of us.

Therefore this petition to you is for a small edge of this place, which is not mine at this time. It is someone else ....

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.... pproved. Hoapili-wahine had given the approval. That concludes my testimony.

Kahookano, sworn, I had heard and from that hearsay, I posed a question.

Kahookano: How was your work?

Answer: That division has been approved.

Kahookano: Where is this section?

Answer: The place which belonged to the old woman.

Kahookano: That is a bad place and how was it given away?

Answer: It was given to Kalena by Hoapili.

[No. 319 not awarded]