Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00003FL
Claimant: Kapo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Hauhaukoi
Statistics: 1607 characters 261 words
No. 3 F.L., Kapo, Keoneula, December 9, 1851
N.R. 718v3

The Esteemed W.L. Lee, Esquire, J.F. Smith, G.M. Robertson, John Ii, J. Kekaulahao, Greetings: I, Kapo, of Hauhaukoi in Honolulu of the Fort, hereby enter my claim at Hauhaukoi for five lo`i in one parcel, bounded as follows: mauka, land of H ....

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.... wa, Keonekapu's land, Kukui's land.

He received this land from Kaniku at the time of Kinau before 1839. He has lived there peacefully without objections to the present time. There are no koeles and no poalimas in his land.

[Award 3 F.L.; R.P. 2684; Hauhaukoi Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .57 Ac.]