Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00333B
Claimant: Pupuka
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Paunau, Kelawea
Ili: Pahumanamana
Statistics: 3921 characters 687 words
No. 333B, Pupuka [for Hana]
N.R. 88v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners:

I am hereby telling you of my right over this houselot at Paunau, Lahaina, - it is on the south of the road.

N.T. 112-113v2
No. 333B, Pupuka

Mahoe, sworn, It is at Paunau in Pahumanamana. Pupuka received his place from Kahekili.

Pupuka is a shipmaster. Kahekili and Kahakuakoi had given Pupuka (land) where he may store his valuable goods, and it was given to him as his very own possession. Kahekili had received this from Kalaimoku, when W. Richards had come to Lahaina here. No one has objected.

N.T. 155-156v10
No. 333B, Pupuka, Lahaina, 5 July 1852, Vs. 1175 Pakohana

Kaanaana, ....

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.... ceived from both Wahinepio and Kalaimoku. He was given this because he had no place to live in this upland because he was a sea captain. He lived there quietly and died peacefully. Before 1839, Kekahupuu had asked Pupuka for a place to live until the time he would return to Oahu with the chiefs. He was permitted to build a house and only the house was given to him, but Kekahupuu did not want it. He did not hear that this place has been bequested to Pakohana.

The wife of Pupuka and the wife of Ehu are friends and Kekahupuu is Ehu's nephew(?).

Kekahupuu began to settle there under Pupuka at the time of Kaliaka's arrival in 1840 at Puunoa.

[Award 333B; R.P. 1658; Kapahumanamana Lahaina; 1 ap.; 29 rods; Kelawea Lahaina; 1 ap.; .18 Ac.]