Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07275
Claimant: Ikoa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Waimanu
Ili: Kaiwiholehole
Statistics: 1634 characters 245 words
No. 7275, Ikoa
N.R. 285v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby petition you for my land claim in Waimanu. My land area is named Kaiwihalehale and it lies as follows: on the north is Inakanakawa, on the south is Kawaaha, on the east is Kuamoo. The right was received through Namauu to Kamehaiku, ....

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.... akamoe's land
Makai by Kalamahiai's land
Hilo by a stream
1 field.

5. Section V - Ili at Kamaoha 2.
Mauka by Kakaaukai ili
Kohala and all around by Aukai's land
2 patches cultivated, from me in 1839.

[Award 7275; R.P. 5028; Kaiwiholehole Waimanu; 1 ap.; 5 Acs]