Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07402
Claimant: Kahiko
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Paalaa
Ili: Laukihaa
Statistics: 1843 characters 316 words
No. 7402, Kahiko, Waialua, Oahu, January 248 [sic], 1848
N.R. 324v5

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kahiko, hereby state my claims for a right which I have had for fifteen or more years.

The first is Punawai, Paalaa. There are three lo`i and two kula, surrounded by the lo`is of Kuaiwa ma and of Lalawalu ma.

The second claim ....

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.... r />Waianae, Laukihaa Stream
Makai, mo`o of Kahakauila
Koolaupoko, road going up and down.

Apana 2: It is surrounded on all the sides by kula and the road.

It was from Kaianui, in the time of Kaahumanu I and is undisputed.

Pumaikai, sworn, my knowledge of it is like that of Kuokoa 's.

[No. 7402 not awarded]