Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07419
Claimant: Kahakuapa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Waimea, Pupukea
Statistics: 1795 characters 313 words
No. 7419, Kahakuapa, Waimea, Oahu, January 22, 1848
N.R. 333-334v5

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kahakuapa, am a claimant at Waimea, for the mo`o of Loaloa. It is bounded on the north by a pali, on the east by Mauna's land, on the south by the stream and Mauna's kula, on the west by Waihi.

Here are the claims in a ....

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.... loa.

Mauka, land of Wahineoni
Waialua, stream
Makai, Waihi
Kahuku, pali.

He received his land from his kupunas from the time of Kamehameha I. He got his land in the time of Kamehameha II . It is undisputed.

Kauki, sworn, I know it is correct.

[Award 7419; R.P. 2610; Waimea Koolauloa; 1 ap.; .56 Ac.]