Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07425
Claimant: Kawelu
Other claimant:
Other name: Kawelo
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Kawailoa kai, Kawailoa waena
Ili: Anahulu, Ou, Ainaiki, Mokukailaelae, Pihapihaulaula
Statistics: 2031 characters 335 words
No. 7425, Kawelo, Waialua, January 17, 1848
N.R. 337v5

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state my claim at Ou, Kawailoa kai. There are two lo`i and a watercourse, and a small crooked side of Ou lo`i. The boundaries are: on the north, Kahakai's /land/; on the east, the lot of Mokupoo; on the south, Kanahuna's /land/; on the west, a watercourse for Kahuionohi. ....

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.... os;s /land/
Makai, Mokueu's /land/
Koolaupoko, pali.

Apana 3: This parcel is surrounded by the Muliwai of Anahulu and the sea of Lapaone.

His land was from Kahalau in the time of Kamehameha II and is undisputed.

Kealohua, sworn, My knowledge of it is the same as Kuokoa's.

[Award 7425; R.P. 2897; Anahulu Kawailoa Waialua; 2 ap.; 1.57 Ac.]