Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00355
Claimant: Keopunui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Kalimaohe, Kainehe
Statistics: 2964 characters 447 words
No. 355, Keopenui
N.R. 102v2

To the Land Commissioners:I, Keopenui, hereby explain my right to my houselot. It was from my makuakane.
December 30, 1846

F.T. 163v7
Cl. 355, Keopenui

Kaumauma, sworn, The claimant's lands are in Kalimaohe, Lahaina and consist of 5 distinct pieces: One a house lot Makai and 2 pieces of kula land and 2 pieces of kalo land, one of 10 lois, and the other of 20 lois.

The claimant received these lands from Hoapili wahine in the days of Kamehameha I, through his fath ....

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.... />Mauka by Aupokopoko and Friday land
Olowalu by Kahiamoe's land
Makai by Kapule
Kaanapali by Kamaka's fence.

Section 4 - 10 patches.
Mauka by Kapule
Olowalu by Pali
Makai and Kaanapali by Kanaha
1 Friday area is in this section.

Section 5 - 20 Patches.
Mauka by Nakalepo
Olowalu by Kahiamoe's lot and pali
Makai by Kapule's lot
Kaanapali by Kanaha stream
1 Friday area is in this lot.

[Award 355; R.P. 1756; Kalimaohe Lahaina; 3 ap.; 2.565 Acs; Kainehe Lahaina; 1 ap.; .079 Ac.]